PricePlow Blog Page 9 (Return to Page 1)

American Airlines Tries to Put Damper on MS150

There’s nothing quite like getting an e-mail from your airline that says “CANCELED” when you’re on your way to the airport.

Then again, you weren’t surprised, since you’re flying on an American Airlines MD-80, which has been grounded due to someone forgetting to use the proper colored tie-wrap.

(changing to first tense) So I went home while getting American Airlines on the phone and checked my options. Fly into San Antonio with another airline? …

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Sailor’s Choice: An Introduction

About a month ago’s oft-quoted friend, Dan, introduced me to a term that his friend had coined: Sailor’s Choice.

Sailor’s Choice is a saying that encapsulates the state of having the perfect buzz while drinking alcohol. This condition is ideally suited towards having insightful, witty conversation while losing most, if not all social anxieties. Although erroneously named, it has quite a charming ring to it that I’ve decided to adopt.

Sailor’s Choice has …

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Thought of the Day

I just noticed that I haven’t been hit on by a single gay guy since growing my beard out.…

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Open Letter to Rep. John Conyers re: Sirius/XM Merger

Representative Conyers,

This brief message is with regard to the Sirius / XM Satellite radio merger that you and your committee have the ultimate approval of:

Please stop impeding business. It is unethical and un-American. I, the paying customer, will decide what business transactions are worthy of success or failure.

Sincerely, Mike Roberto…

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Riding the 2008 MS 150 From Houston to Austin: Help Donate!

Hey everyone!

On April 12, I will be joining the MS 150, a 2-day biking adventure from Houston to Austin to help raise funds for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

The path is roughly 165 miles long. The 2008 tour map isn’t out yet, but you can see the 2007 map here.

I need to raise $400.00 to the MS Society to ride. Please help me by donating a few bucks to my

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Fed Cuts Interest Rate to 0% In Emergency Effort

August 5, 2008 — The Federal Reserve cut the benchmark interest rate by 1.5% to a new target lending rate of 0% yesterday, the Federal Open Market Committee said in a statement in Washington. It’s the largest reduction since the Fed began using the rate as primary tool of fiscal policy around 1990.

“Broader financial market conditions have continued to deteriorate and credit has tightened further for some businesses and households,” the Fed said in …

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